Swift-Gallant, A, BA Johnson, V Di Rita & SM Breedlove (2020) Through a glass, darkly: human digit ratios reflect prenatal androgens, imperfectly. Hormones and Behavior, Jan 31:104686. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104686.
Shirazi, T, K Rosenfield, R Cardenas, SM Breedlove & DA Puts (2019). No evidence that oral contraceptive use or circulating sex steroids predict complex emotion recognition. Hormones and Behavior, 2019 Dec 6;119:104647. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2019.104647.
Breedlove, SM (2019) Replicable data for digit ratio differences. Science, 365(6450): 230.
Pfau, DR, CL Jordan & SM Breedlove (2019) The De-Scent of Sexuality: Did loss of a pheromone signaling protein permit the evolution of same-sex sexual behavior in primates? Archives Sexual Behavior 2019 Apr 23. doi: 10.1007/s10508-018-1377-2.
Swift-Gallant, A., CL Jordan & SM Breedlove (2018) The Easy Way Out? Consequences of cesarean delivery for neural development. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences (USA). 115(46): 11664-11666.
Breedlove, SM (2017) Prenatal influences on human sexual orientation: expectations versus data. Archives Sexual Behavior 46(6): 1583-1592.